Black Ops 4 kent de smoothest launch die ik me kan herinneren van een Call of Duty-game. Activsion heeft zijn servers op orde of er speelt simpelweg niemand meer Black Ops. Hoe dan ook, Treyarch heeft bekend gemaakt dat de eerste game update voor Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 later deze week verschijnt met de nodige verbeteringen en aanpassingen.
Wat er precies allemaal gaat veranderen is nog niet bekend gemaakt. Hieronder vind je een aantal aanpassingen. Dit is niet de volledige lijst, maar zijn slechts enkele voorbeelden van de nieuwe game update voor Black Ops 4:
”Later this week, the team is planning a larger game update that will bring some key improvements and new additions to Black Ops 4”
- Performance in Quads
- We’re aware that some players are seeing fluctuations in network performance in Blackout Quads (particularly on Xbox One), and the team has been actively investigating. This is not an easily identifiable issue that happens for all players, and internal testing hasn’t shown it to be consistent. We’ll update everyone when we’re closer to a solution.
- Disappearing Optics
- We’ve seen some reports that the Red Dot and other Optics can sometimes temporarily disappear when aiming down sights. The team is investigating this for a fix in a future update.
- Emblem Editor Issues
- Some players have experienced unexpected behavior with the Emblem Editor, including layers that can’t be deleted, distorted images, and other issues that occur after adding several layers to the Emblem. While many players have been able to create some truly amazing Emblems already, we know it’s not an optimal experience for everyone across the board and we’re looking into it. There are a lot of moving parts here (literally) and some of these items may affect how other items perform, so please bear with us as we work on improving this experience.
- Search and Destroy Custom Games
- As we mentioned in a previous update, we’re aware of some issues specifically present in Custom Search and Destroy matches, particularly with matches ending after round 7. We’re planning to address these in an update soon.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is verkrijgbaar in de volgende edities:
- Standard en Digital Standard Edition
- Digital Deluxe Edition – Inclusief Black Ops Pass en meer
- Pro Edition – Inclusief Black Ops Pass en meer
- Digital Deluxe Enhanced Edition – Inclusief Black Ops Pass en meer
- Mystery Box Collector’s Edition
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